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Page 5

  “Long story. One that I’ll tell you someday.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe this is happening.”


  “I stood in front of my cake tonight and wished to meet my True Mate. Holy shit.”

  Mandy pressed excited kisses all over his face. “Carly will faint.”

  Joe held her close, but frowned. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  She sensed his unease and leaned back. “She already likes you. What could possibly be the problem?”

  “Angel, I work with her.”

  “So? She’ll love it.”

  “Carly maybe, but Eddie’s gonna beat the shit outta me.”

  “He might be pissed ‘cause you’re a musician.” Mandy pursed her lips. “I love my father, but he’s not really rational when I date musicians. Still, he’s always been a lover not a fighter. You’d beat him hands down.”

  “You’d be surprised. He can bust heads with the best of ‘em.”

  “Maybe, but I hope he’ll be happy for us, after all he likes you.”

  Joe frowned. “I don’t think we should tell them yet.”

  Mandy’s brows rose and almost disappeared under her bangs. “After the crap I’ve gotten tonight for lying, you think I should lie some more?”

  “It isn’t lying…exactly.”

  “What is it? Exactly?”

  Joe groaned. She was right and he hated it. She giggled. Damn, she’d heard his thought. Why the hell wasn’t he hearing her thoughts more? This should be a two-way street.

  “You aren’t trying. That’s why you aren’t hearing me. Also…you think louder than I do.”

  “That’s not possible.”

  She gave him a saucy grin. Obviously it is or you’d have been hearing my thoughts all night long.

  He blinked as the thought hit him…hard. It even hurt a little, but as he met her gaze he realized it was a good kind of hurt. The kind he’d longed for most of his life.

  She cocked her head. “You’re really a hopeless romantic aren’t you?”

  Joe blushed. Shit, males weren’t supposed to be sentimental.

  “I like you just the way you are, Joe. You don’t have to change for me.”

  “Neither do you, angel. You’re perfect.”

  Chapter Five

  This had been the worst night and best night of her life. She’d disappointed her parents and had a lot of ground to make up with them, but then she also met Joe. Joe. Her True Mate.

  She couldn’t stop touching him. Mandy pushed his jacket off his shoulders, wanting to stroke him. Bond with him. Imprint herself on him so completely that he’d never doubt her again.

  Don’t worry, angel. I won’t.

  Are you sure, Joe?

  Believe it.

  His mental voice caressed her warmly as he drew her close and their mouths became one. This is what had always been missing from her past relationships. Tenderness. Passion. Completeness. A sense of belonging.

  He untied the drawstring of her blouse and eased it out of the waist of her skirt. She lifted her hands so he could pull it over her head. When they’d made love earlier, it had been hurried. Hot but rushed. Joe hadn’t even undressed, but this time she wanted them both naked. Nothing between them. No fabric and no unspoken words.

  “Yeah,” he breathed. “I want us naked too.”

  He shrugged out of his jacket and she pulled his shirt off, tugging it out of the waist of his pants. She blinked as she stared at his torso. He was ripped front and back. She'd noticed the muscles when they made love before, but in the heat of the moment she hadn’t taken a good look. He heard her gasp and he laughed.

  “There’s more to life on the road than playing guitar or jerking off. If that’s all you do, it gets real boring, real fast. Working out never gets boring.” He flexed for her as she stared at his chest and licked her lips.

  As she took inventory, she noticed his tats. All of them depicted something related to music. His Les Paul guitar held pride of place from his left shoulder down to his elbow covering his biceps. Musical notes and musical notations danced around the instrument in a distinctive half-sleeve tattoo.

  “Wow. I love the tat.”

  He laughed. “Hurt like hell. At least at first.”

  “I bet.”

  She ran her fingers over the markings, then leaned down to press a kiss to his guitar. Her hands drifted across his body and through the light covering of hair on his chest and belly. He was so hot. Mandy unfastened his belt and eased the leather from the loops. He was already hard—she could see his thick cock pressing against the front of his pants.

  Mandy caressed his firm thighs through the fabric, working up from his knees to his crotch. She cupped him, sighing when he groaned and tilted his hips, thrusting toward her hands.

  “Fuck, yeah. That’s it, angel.”

  “You like?” She leaned close, breathing her words into his ear as she massaged his cock. He groaned again. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  She unfastened then unzipped his pants. Mandy eased his length into her hand. She stroked his cock and pressed kisses into the curve of his neck, the edge of his jaw. His hips jerked each time she circled the head of his cock with her thumb to spread the droplets of pre-cum her touch coaxed from him.

  “Mandy, angel…you’re driving me crazy.”

  He pulled her into his arms and caught her hair in his hand. He used it to pull her mouth to his so he could taste her. Mandy relished the flavor of him, dipping her tongue into the depths of his wet mouth. Their tongues entwined as she stroked his firm cock. He reached behind her and unhooked her bra one handed. She lifted her head and looked down into his teasing eyes.

  “You managed that far too easily.”

  “Years of practice.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about.”

  He stroked her jaw. “Quit worrying. I don’t want anyone but you, ever again.”

  “This experience factor is going to take some getting used to.”

  “Angel, it just means I have more to give you.” He tucked a strand of long blonde hair behind her ear. She kissed his hand.

  “That better be all it means.”

  “Feisty, aren’t you?”

  “Yup. You’re mine now and I don’t share.”

  “Only child syndrome.”

  She kissed him. “Nope, True Mate Syndrome and TMS can be fatal.”

  “To me, you mean.”

  “Got it in one.”

  “TMS goes both ways, angel. Don’t fuck with me or you’ll wish you hadn’t.”

  “You don’t have to worry. This thing with Zach taught me all I need to know about lying.”


  Mandy stared into his deep brown eyes. He’d been teasing, but he’d been serious too. What the hell had happened in his past to make him so guarded? She smiled as she realized she had the rest of their lives to find out. To learn him inside and out. Tonight, she wanted the outer male.

  She leaned down to kiss his chest, working her way to one of his small, tight brown nipples. He arched when she flicked her tongue over it then she sucked it into her mouth. Mandy looked up at him, meeting his hungry gaze while she sucked.

  “Sit up, angel.”

  She released his nipple then sat up for him. He eased her bra off, tossing it to the floor. Joe cupped her heavy breasts in his hands.

  “Beautiful. Natural.” He looked into her eyes as he pinched her nipples. Mandy shivered as a flash of fire went directly to her clit. “You’re exactly the way I imagined you’d be. Do you know how many years I jacked off fantasizing about my dream girl?”

  Mandy shook her head, unable to get a word out as he caressed her breasts.

  “It’s been years. Years when I’d dream about some faceless, curvy, blonde female.”

  Mandy looked down at Joe. “Years?”

  “Yeah. Especially in the last ten. Maybe I sensed you or something. In my mind there was always a wolf bitch out there for me.”

bsp; “Didn’t you ever give up hope?”

  “I’d start to, but then I’d have a dream again.”

  Mandy cocked her head. “You dreamed of me? For real?”

  Joe smiled. “Yeah, I did.” He sat up and pulled her close again. “This damn loveseat isn’t big enough for everything I want to do to you.”

  “Well, there’s a king-size bed over there. It’s empty and waiting to be filled.”

  Joe frowned at it. “You haven’t ever… Shit, that’s not my business.”

  She laughed, somehow knowing the question he wouldn’t ask. “I always went to Zach’s place. I’ve never shared my bed with anyone.”


  Joe stood and helped her to her feet. She kicked off her shoes and dropped several inches. Then she wiggled out of her skirt. When she reached for her panties, Joe stopped her.

  “Let me.” He tugged the elastic down, baring her pussy. He grinned as he ran his fingers through the blonde muff. “No bleach needed.”

  “Nope, I’m a natural gal.”

  “That’s just how I like you.”

  His fingers slid between her damp pussy lips to circle her tingling clit. Mandy whimpered, her hips jerking when his fingers hit the bundle of nerves. Joe parted her, licking his lips as he gazed at her swollen pink folds. He rubbed his finger back and forth over her clit. Plucking at her. Playing her like the E-string on his guitar.

  Mandy widened her stance as she drew closer to climax, thrusting her pelvis into his touch. Begging for it. She threw back her head, eyes shut as she focused on the stroke of his fingers between her legs. She heard him edge nearer and take a deep breath of the scent of her arousal that permeated the air. Then she felt the flat of his tongue replace his finger.

  “Oh God…”she sobbed.

  Once…twice he hit her clit with his tongue and she was gone. Shuddering with release. Her legs collapsed, but Joe caught her and held her upright. Mandy clasped her fingers in his thick hair as his tongue flicked against her trembling clit. She held his mouth against her as he tortured her with the most exquisite blend of pleasure and pain she’d ever felt.

  She hunched over him, shaking as pleasure rolled through her. Took away her ability to think. All she could do was feel. The swipe of his tongue against her. The feel of his hands against her legs. The silk of his hair in her fingers.

  Joe nipped at her. Sucked on her. Mandy slowly opened her eyes to look down at him while he continued to eat her, driving her pleasure higher. She couldn’t speak. Not a word. It was so good, but it was more than she could take. She’d never had an orgasm like this before. Wave after wave hit her. She was felled by the next before the first had receded.

  Mandy moaned. Too much. It’s too much, Joe. She was amazed when he eased up and let her regain her feet. He must have heard her.

  “I did, angel.” He pressed a kiss against her lower belly then leaned back. “I want you to enjoy our lovemaking. I never want to hurt you.”

  He rose to his feet, but continued to caress her arms, his palms grazing her bare back. His hands steadied her, protected her. Mandy set her head on his shoulder and clutched him, trembling in the shelter of his arms. She knew they were just getting started, but it felt wonderful to know this male cared. Cared about her and what she wanted.

  “I do and I always will.” He kissed her gently. Deeply. She tasted herself on his lips and shivered—shaken to her core by the intimacy of their kiss. He lifted his head to gaze into her eyes.

  “It’s no more intimate than the kiss you gave me earlier after licking my cock clean,” he whispered.

  “True,” she agreed as she fought her wobbly legs.

  “All right now, angel?”

  She nodded, standing on her own. Mandy had heard about orgasms like this but she thought they were mythical. They weren’t. A climax could bring you to your knees. She sighed, replete with pleasure.

  They made their way over to the big bed and Mandy lay back against the pillows. She watched Joe peel off his pants and underwear then join her on the wide bed. Mandy reached for him as he moved over her, gazing into his dark eyes, her fingers caressing his strong face.

  She frowned, watching the expressions shift across his face. She wanted to tell him she loved him, but was it too soon?

  He smiled and kissed her fingers as they brushed along his lips. “Angel, I loved you the moment I saw you. It’s never too soon. To feel it or to say it.”

  “I love you too, Joe.”

  Mandy ran her hands over his broad shoulders, his firm chest. Her fingers seemed so pale against his tan skin. They were so different yet it felt as if she’d known him all her life. She ran her hands over his sides as he leaned over her. She spread her thighs to let him in. To welcome him against her. Mandy stroked her way around his back and down to his tight ass, pulling him nearer.

  Joe came down on her, slowly. Gently. When he pressed against her from head to foot, she sighed. This felt like home. He felt like home.

  “This is home. You’re my home, Mandy, and I never want to leave.”

  “You’re sure?”


  He dipped his head, taking her mouth. Delving inside with his tongue. Mandy met him kiss for kiss. Lick for lick. Bite for bite. She arched against him. Clasping him tightly, she dug her fingers into his shoulders and lifted her legs to circle his waist. She pressed her heels into the small of his back at the rise of his buttocks, drawing him tighter against her.

  Joe slid his arms around her and grasped her abundant ass in his hands, kneading and caressing her. She tilted her hips and moaned when she felt his stiff cock press into her wet folds.

  “Ah yeah, angel. You’re ready for me.”

  “Yes. Fuck me, Joe. Please.”

  “Not yet, baby. I’m going to make it better.”

  He thrust against her, driving the full length of his cock against her pussy. Up and down the slick crevice. Teasing her clit with the head of his cock then running the full length of the shaft over the quivering nub. She moaned and moved with him, biting his shoulder and running her palms over his warm, sweat-damp skin.

  Mandy moaned when he trailed hot, wet kisses along her jaw, down her neck and across her shoulders. His tongue teased while his teeth nipped. When he reached her breasts she strained toward him, encouraging him to take more. Joe lapped at her tight nipple then enveloped it in his hot mouth, sucking on her as he thrust against her clit. He massaged her ass cheeks, holding her in place as he sucked her. The rhythm of his sucking and thrusting took her right up to the edge of release. Instead of pushing her over, he held her there—driving her crazy.

  Mandy ran her fingers through his long black hair, clenching them in the thick mane. She held his mouth tight to her breast, gasping when Joe slid the fingers of one hand between her buttocks to tease her sensitive asshole. With the other he stroked her breast, teasing her nipple with his rough fingertips. She shivered as he put his calloused fingers to good use by playing her with the same finesse he used with his guitar.

  She grasped his hair tight, tugging his mouth away from her breast then she captured it. Mandy caught his lower lip in her teeth and tugged, dragging a groan from him before licking his lip and dipping inside. When their tongues slid together it felt like two live wires, sparking with raw energy. She shoved his shoulder. Putting her weight behind the push, she rolled him onto his back.

  Joe looked up at her, bemused for a moment. Then he grinned at her, enjoying the spectacular view of her straddling him. “Hungry are we, angel?”

  “Yes. I’m hungry for your cock and it’s time for you to give it to me.”

  “And if I don’t give?” Joe asked. He stroked his hand through her long blonde hair then trailed his fingers over her pale breasts and pink nipples.

  “Then I’m going to take.” She growled, leaning down to take a kiss. Joe pulled her close, enjoying her fierceness. The weight of her pressed to his chest and her wet pussy rubbing against his cock released a firestorm. He neede
d to get inside her.

  Mandy sat up and flipped her hair over her shoulder. She bit her lips as she surveyed his chest, and he could hear her trying to decide how to play with him as he’d done with her. She scratched lightly over his chest, applying just enough pressure with her nails so he felt it, but damn it felt good. He moaned when she pinched his nipples and reached up to cup her full breasts. She leaned into his touch, arching her back.

  “You’re pure sex, angel. If I wasn’t already as hard as a diamond, seeing you this way would get me there.”

  “And I’m dripping wet for you.”

  “Take me into that hot wet pussy, Mandy.” When she licked her lips again, Joe shifted his hips nearly unseating her. “C’mon, honey.”

  Mandy grasped his cock and he groaned as he fought the rush of hunger that filled him. It wouldn’t take much for him to spill inside her and he was damned if he’d come so soon. Mandy raised her hips and slowly settled on him, taking him inch by pleasure-pain-racked inch.

  “That’s so good,” he growled, lifting his hips to fill her.

  Her wicked chuckle went right to his cock but Joe fought the orgasm making him strain and his forehead bead with sweat. When she rested against him, he forced his eyes open to enjoy the sight of his True Mate mounted on his rod. Nothing could be as fucking amazing as this. She was giving him the best birthday present he’d ever had.

  “You like your birthday present then?”

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  “I wonder how I could possibly top this.” She leaned forward, her hands resting on his chest, stroking his pecs. “Hmmm. Maybe a striptease next year?”


  “I have one of those pole dancing-for-fitness DVDs.”

  Joe imagined her dancing for him. “Sounds hot.”

  She raised her hips. He groaned as his cock slid out of her wet, clasping pussy. He watched his slick length emerge then disappear back inside her as she lowered onto him.

  “Course I’m much better at belly dancing.”

  He blinked, almost missing her words. He swallowed hard as he watched them move together. She rolled her belly muscles, so her words finally registered. Joe groaned as visualized her wide hips circling and twisting in a figure eight to the beat of Middle Eastern drums.