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Page 13

  “Yes, sir.” He shrugged, “That’s how Eddie hired me. I beat him after an hour of jamming and going back and forth.”

  “You beat Daddy?” He nodded and she grinned. “Oh, I’m gonna give him crap over that. To my knowledge, no one’s ever beaten him before.”

  Joe blinked. “He was undefeated?”

  “Yeah, and he’s challenged, and been challenged by, some of the best players out there.”

  Joe opened his mouth then closed it again, thinking back to his audition day. He’d been so focused on Eddie, he hadn’t really noticed how the other band members reacted, but now he could remember how shocked they looked.

  “I had no idea.”

  She gave him a hug. “No wonder he hired you. If you cut him down, he’d want you in the band. He wouldn’t have given it a second thought.”

  “Yeah, he hired me right off. They cancelled other auditions they had scheduled.”

  “Then you’re good. Really good.”

  He smiled. “Thanks, angel.”

  “Don’t thank me. It was your work.”

  “Yeah, but I appreciate the compliment.”

  “You’re welcome, then.”

  She turned to his parents. “So if you want to pack, you can follow us back.” Then she looked at his brothers. “And you guys can head home and pack then come back. We can caravan to Whitewolf.”

  Chapter Twelve

  As three vehicles pulled into her driveway, Mandy was glad she’d called home to let her folks know she was bringing a crowd with her. Carly had promised to fly into action to clean up the bedroom that Sharon and Tom used and move Joe’s stuff to Mandy’s room. Now Mandy knew everyone would have a bed to sleep in for the week and she wouldn’t have to clean house the minute she walked inside.

  “You’re sure Carly took care of cleaning up? All you said was that you were bringing my family home, then you went silent.”

  Mandy laughed. “I quit talking because Carly started and didn’t let me get a word in to the conversation. I’m positive she took care of things.”

  He shook his head and pulled her car into the garage. Mandy hopped out to direct Leo and Jake into parking spots. As she did that, Carly dragged Eddie out the back door to join them.

  “Welcome, everyone.” Carly waved. “It will be great fun to visit with y’all.”

  Mandy bit her lip to keep from laughing. Carly sounded like the hostess of the party and her accent was as thick as two-day-old grits.

  “Why does she sound like this is her house?” Joe muttered as he took her arm.

  “Cause she’s southern and she’s Carly.”

  He chuckled, leaned over to kiss her cheek, then walked over to help his parents unload. He left his brothers to take care of themselves because each had one suitcase, but his parents had three. Maria had definitely overpacked. You’d think with her background as a musician she’d be better at minimalism, but such was not the case.

  Carly walked over and hugged Mandy. “I guess visiting Joe’s family went well?”

  “Pretty well.” She hugged her mother back. “They’re all so talented, it’s freaking scary.”

  Carly cupped her face. “We’re all talented too, honey.”

  “I know you and Eddie are—”

  “You are too. If you’d just get past that stage fright of yours.”

  Mandy shrugged and Carly kissed her cheek. “If you ever want to rejoin the band you know you’re welcome, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I know.”


  Carly slipped her arm around Mandy’s waist and walked over to Joe’s parents. “Now be a good girl and introduce us.” Eddie followed along behind. She glanced back at her father and his eyes danced. Wicked delight on his face. She followed his gaze and realized he and Leo were taking each other’s measure. Leo was older by twelve years but she knew that wouldn’t matter to Eddie.

  “Leopold and Maria Schwarzerwulf, I’d like you to meet my parents—Eddie and Carly Goldwolf.”

  Leo extended his hand. “Edward. It is good to see you again.”

  Eddie took the extended hand. The two males shook and Mandy hid a grin as they turned it into a civilized dominance match. Neither one would let go. They just clenched harder. Mandy started to get worried as neither male let up. She bit her lip wondering how to end the stalemate, but she didn’t need to do anything. Carly and Maria exchanged looks, nodded once and intervened.

  “That’s enough.” Carly took Eddie’s wrist.

  “I quite agree,” Maria admonished and grabbed Leopold.

  The two females all but shook the males’ grips apart. Eddie and Leopold dropped their hands at the same time and both turned to their True Mates. Mandy had a feeling that they were attempting to deliver blistering scolds. Scolds that were blithely ignored when both of the older males grunted at nearly the same time and turned to face each other again.

  “Good grip,” Leo said grudgingly.

  “You too,” Eddie conceded.

  Maria and Carly shook their heads before stepping forward to exchange hugs. “So lovely to meet you, my dear.”

  “And you, honey. It’s been a joy to have Joe in our band. He’s a calming influence,” She shot a look at Eddie, who actually looked abashed…for all of a minute.

  “I have been most impressed with your wonderful daughter today. She’s warm and quite sweet.”

  “Thank you. She’s a good girl.”

  “Mom, really.”

  Carly laughed. “You’ll always be a girl to me, sweetie.”

  “It’s a pity our males couldn’t be more relaxed.” Maria glared at Leo and he colored under her scrutiny.

  “It’s a male thing, Maria. Bless their hearts, they just don’t know any better.” Eddie winced and Mandy laughed. Leopold looked puzzled and glanced at his mate when she laughed too.

  Joe passed them, wrestling two of the suitcases. “Bless their hearts is southern for, they’re idiots, Father.”

  Leo stuttered for a minute and exchanged a look with Eddie, then both the older males chuckled. Eddie clapped Leo on the shoulder.

  “C’mon. I’ll show you where your room is.”

  “Wait, I must retrieve my violin.”

  Leo returned to the car and opened the back door. He took out his violin case and returned to Eddie, catching Maria gently by the arm and they followed Eddie into the house. Julian had his suitcase and his trumpet case and Jake leaned against his car. Mandy smiled at Joe’s brothers.

  “I’ll lead the way.”

  She waved them in as Joe came back out to get the last of his parents’ suitcases. Joe shook his head but followed them inside. Eddie leaned against the kitchen counter.

  “Your mother is upstairs helping Maria unpack. You take the boys up.”

  She heard her brothers-in-law sigh. “If I’m still a girl, you guys can live with being called boys.” She nodded at Eddie. “I’ll show them to their rooms and be back downstairs to start supper.”

  She settled Jake into the room originally set for Joe and took Julian in to the one next door.

  “How many bedrooms does this place have?” Jake asked as he looked down the long hallway.

  “Six. One on the main floor. Three on this level and two on the third floor. It was built in the late 1800s for a very large pack family.”

  “You really could open this place as a bed and breakfast, couldn’t you?”

  “Yeah. But I like my privacy.”

  “How do you heat it?”

  “There’s central air and heat, but all the bedrooms have working fireplaces, too. If you want wood, let me know. I can make you up a fire, if you’d like.”

  “I’d have no idea how to maintain it once it was lit.”

  Mandy laughed. “Then just enjoy the one in the main living area. I have extra blankets if you get cold. Just let me know.”

  Both brothers nodded then went to work unpacking. Mandy ran downstairs to the kitchen where Carly was wringing her hands.

re you are, honey. We should eat soon, but I have no earthly idea what to cook.”

  Mandy patted her mother’s arm. “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry.”

  “Thank you, honey.” Carly started to leave the kitchen but Mandy called her back and her mother paused.

  “I really am sorry about lying to you about Zach.”

  Carly came back to her and took her hand. “I know, Mandy. I admit I can be kind of obsessed at times, but I just want what’s best for you.”

  They hugged and it felt good to have her mother’s forgiveness. While she hugged her mother she heard the door open. When she and Carly parted, she saw her father watching the two of them.

  “Are you and your mother straight now?” he asked, his face serious and his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Yes, Daddy. We are.”

  “You apologized?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Good.” He nodded. Then he came over and enveloped her in a warm hug. Until that moment, she hadn’t realized how much she feared she’d never get one of these kinds of hugs from her father again. “Love ya, punkin. You’re Daddy’s favorite, you know.”

  “I’m Daddy’s only,” she grinned up at him.

  “Still my favorite.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek then pulled Carly into a family hug. “This is family. Feels damn good.”

  “Must you swear?”

  “Yes, Carly honey, I must.” He laughed and gave his mate a warm kiss. “Now, how can we help you get food on the table for this crew?”

  Mandy bit her lip as she stared at her fridge. She really didn’t have anything fast to cook. “If it was just us, I’d order pizza and be done with it for tonight.”

  “Want to impress your mother-in-law, don’t you?” Carly asked.

  “Yeah. I guess so.”

  “Don’t worry about impressing them. Just be yourself and they’ll love you just like we do.”


  “Your mother is right, dear. Just be yourself. Did I hear something about pizza?”

  Mandy turned to look at Maria. “I can’t imagine Leo would appreciate pizza.”

  “He’ll adjust and it will be good for him. Besides, we had a large dinner. We can do with a lighter supper.”

  “What do you all like?”

  “Let’s go to the living room to take suggestions.”

  At first Leo frowned, but as they all got into the fun of trying to make up the craziest pizza, he relaxed.

  “Insanity may amuse all of you, but I have to eat this concoction,” Leo grumbled, fighting a smile. They finally came to decisions and ordered enough pizzas to feed everyone.

  Maria looked over at the small live evergreen tree near the fireplace. “My dear, why have you not taken your Christmas tree out of the house?”

  “I like having a live tree, so it’s kind of hard to move. Plus I like to decorate the house for all the holidays. I keep it watered and carefully trimmed so it fits inside. Then I can use it no matter what holiday is coming up.”

  “Do you mean to say you have ornaments and lights for, oh the fourth of July?”

  Mandy laughed and glanced at her parents. “Yeah, I do. It’s one of my weird idiosyncrasies, I guess. Do you know how hard it is to find red, white and blue lights?”

  “So you have lights and ornaments for Valentine’s Day?” Leo asked, eyeing his True Mate.

  Mandy grinned, “Yup. Red and pink lights with all kinds of hearts, roses, cupids and stuff for the ornaments. I’ve got well-marked boxes up in the attic.” She turned to Joe and his brothers. “I need some help fetching ornament boxes. Gentlemen, follow me to the attic. Let’s go get stuff so we can decorate the house!”

  Like a pied piper, she led the way to the attic and allotted boxes to Joe and his brothers and grabbed a couple of boxes herself. Then they all trouped back downstairs to the living room. The very quiet living room. Mandy glanced back and forth between her parents and Joe’s and shook her head.

  “Lighten up everyone. We’re all music lovers. We can start there.”

  Leo raised his brows. “Music?”

  “Yes, Leo. Music. Let’s start at the very beginning. A very good place to start.”

  “Very good, my dear.” Maria laughed out loud after Mandy recited a couple of lines from Do-Re-Mi.

  “I thought you’d appreciate that, Maria.”

  She knelt in front of the boxes and opened them, unwrapping ornaments. Carly glanced at her baby grand in the corner of the living room.

  “Funny you should mention music, honey.” Mandy looked at her mother, shaking her head.

  “No way in hell.”

  “So, is the piano tuned?” her mother asked, getting up and wandering over to the instrument. She lifted the keyboard cover and ran her fingers over the keys. A tinkling of music filled the room.

  “It’s definitely in tune.”

  “Of course it is. I knew you all would be here.”

  “Have you been practicing?”

  Mandy colored and frowned at her mother. “Sometimes.”

  “Come on over here, Mandy honey”

  Carly settled herself at the keyboard and just waited. Reluctantly, Mandy stood up. Her belly tightened and her mouth went dry. She fought the beginnings of her fear. At least the group was small. Her mother sat on the left and Mandy came around to sit on the right. She slid on the bench and cracked her fingers. Then stretched out her hands, all in a bid to put off the inevitable. When Carly set her mind to something it happened and her mother planned for her to play. In front of Joe and his family. His super spectacularly talented family.

  She heard the piano as Carly set her hands on the keys and began the intro to Heart and Soul. Mandy bit her lip as she missed the entrance and her mother leaned into her.

  “Come on. I know you can do this.”


  “Just play.” She went through the intro again and this time Mandy caught it. Plunking the melody one fingered to begin with.

  “Well, how enchanting, I’m sure,” Leo rumbled.

  “Wait for it,” she heard her father chuckle.

  Mandy closed her eyes and let her muscle memory take over. Suddenly, she and her mother were doing their elaborate version and she smiled. She looked up at Carly and met her mother’s knowing gaze.

  “Told you. It’s just family here.”

  They began their improv around the standard bass and treble lines in a piano version of cutting heads that they’d been doing since Carly had first taught her to play piano when she was five. They switched off. Giving each other the keyboard. Then they’d both play. They swapped parts in a piano version of Twister, laughing together as they got knotted up. Then they switched back to their own lines. Finally, they played the big finale and hugged each other.

  Eddie stood up, clapping, and he came over to give them both hugs. “I knew you could do it, punkin.”

  “Thanks, Daddy.”

  “Now, how about playing my favorite so we can do a duet.”

  Mandy glanced over at Joe and his family. Flabbergasted. Every last one. Even Leopold looked shocked. And shocked in a good way.

  “Okay. I’ll do it.”

  “Where is it?”

  Mandy pointed to the drawer of her desk. Eddie went over and pulled a harmonica out. She swore she heard Leo groan and she laughed. Her dad winked at her.

  “Let’s go, punkin.”

  She launched into The Piano Man and just like always, her dad came in on the harmonica and sang while she played.

  Carly whistled and applauded, then she grabbed an ornament and handed it to Joe. “Go put this on the tree, honey.”

  Joe had a broad grin on his face while he did as bid. Then he shook his head as he watched. It felt good to lose her terrified feeling. It wasn’t a concert. It was just hanging out and playing her piano. Just like always. At the end of the song, she and Eddie got a huge ovation from everyone and they stood up and bowed.

  She sat back down and segued into anoth
er piano tune as Carly got everyone into the act of decorating their unconventional tree. Joe wandered over and watched her play for a few minutes. She looked up.


  “Why didn’t you tell me you could play?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not classically trained or anything.”

  “Your mom taught you. You might as well be classically trained with that kind of background. She’s amazing and you know it.”

  “Yeah.” Mandy finished one song and just slipped into the next, providing background music for the festivities.

  “So why don’t you play with the band?”

  He cocked his head, watching her. She felt heat in her face and took a deep breath. “Stage fright.”

  “But you’re playing now.”

  “It’s family. I just can’t stand on a stage and face a crowd. I freeze. If I try to get onstage, I throw up.”

  He reached over and caressed her cheek. “It’s possible to work through that.” She shrugged. “Did you always have that problem?”

  “No. I used to play with the band when I was young.”

  “What happened?”

  “When I was eighteen, I entered a competition. I got up on stage and completely forgot the words. I froze. Carly had to come drag me off. It was horrible.”

  “Wait. You sing too?” His eyes opened wide.

  She shrugged. “I’ve been known to.”

  “Would you sing now?”

  She glanced over at his family. His mother and brothers were busy with the tree decorating, but Leo was watching them.

  “I don’t know, Joe. Your dad is kind of scary.”

  “King of all he surveys. But I know you and your mom impressed him. I’d love to hear you sing.”

  “Would you sing with me?” she asked.

  “A duet?” She nodded, waiting for him to decide. “I can do that, angel. What did you have in mind?”

  “Do you know I Finally Found Someone?”

  “The Bryan Adams-Barbra Streisand duet?”


  “I know it.” He raised his brows. “That’s one of my favorite songs, actually. Did you know?”

  “No, but I love it too.”

  “It sure fits us. Let’s give it a try.”

  He slid onto the piano bench beside her and she played an intro. He started the song and nodded when it was time for her to start singing…and she did. It just happened naturally.